Open your eyes to what mother earth is telling you through her anger

I am writing this after the recent floods in Kerala. The thoughts that I went through and which many of us went through even though we were not harmed but we did see a lot of people's home destroyed and all belongings lost.

Firstly, who can we blame for the destruction caused by natural calamities. The natural calamities are trying to tell us something. We have to listen to it.

A natural calamity comes unexpected but we humans are the ones who invited it. When it comes it destroys everything in it's path without mercy. It turns the rich to poor and the strongest to weak. People who lived in palaces had to live in relief camps. All those valuable possessions we had, we left it all to save our lives. The first lesson it teaches us is that our being alive is the most valuable thing. You learn each human life's importance.

A calamity teaches us to change.
Change our thoughts of other people based on differences
Change our hearts from hate to love
Change our way of treating people around us
Change our haughtiness to humbleness
And change our behavior to our mother nature, Earth

Natural calamities are nature's way to cleanse when there is too much evil going on. Murder, rapes, cruelty, wastage of food. It's our Earth reacting to our actions and yes innocent lives are also lost. That's how the anger of nature is.

Another lesson I learnt was that we humans no matter how advanced or developed we become, we are helpless in front of a natural calamity. So be humble, humans. Reduce our greed. Remove the differences and hate. And remember if we have overcome this calamity, you have survived and learnt the most important lesson, that 'All humans are equal'. And sometimes a calamity is needed to remind us that.


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