To be a better human you have to be better everyday, here are 10 easy tips to start doing now
Who doesn't want to be and feel better. We all do. So here are 10 things you should do everyday. And you might be already doing them without knowing it's benefits. So let's start 1. Drinking water The moment you wake up every morning, the first thing you should do is drink a glass of water. Our body is dehydrated after hours of sleep. And to make our body function well we should first begin with water. And if you were a science student you know that 60% of human body is water. So water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you (good for your complexion as well) and it's a fuel for your brain. 2.Make your bed So why is this important you ask because you don't know there is a book on this topic. Yes, seriously that's how important it is. It sets your mood and tone for the rest of the day. It's the first task you accomplish and the rest of the tasks will follow. Your room feels and looks tidy . You will feel productive already. And you ...